Mehar Foundation

Family Counselling

Family Counselling at Mehar Foundation | Rehabilitation Centre

Family Counselling – Addiction can significantly affect families by impairing the functioning, health, and overall well-being of every family member—for those suffering with substance abuse and those who are not. Just as problems within the family can influence addiction, a supportive family environment can play an important role in the recovery process.

family counseling

There are substance misuse rehab programs that treat the whole family, not just the person with the SUD. These services can help spouses, partners, caregivers, children, siblings, and even friends.

Family therapy programs look different depending on who’s being treated and who’s involved, but they are all designed to help improve family-relationship functioning and support the person in recovery. Programs can include a wide range of therapies, support groups, family days, family retreats, parenting classes, play therapy for children, and more.

Family therapy, also known as family counselling, includes interventions that reflect family-level assessments, involvement, and approaches. Evidence suggests that people who have family support are more likely to remain in treatment, stop misusing substances, and stay sober. The importance of support applies to relationships of all types. Family involvement is important but it’s not for everyone. After dealing with a loved one with substance abuse for a long time, some family members might feel emotionally and psychologically drained, they may fear the unknown, or be wary of sharing family problems with a stranger. Family therapy can take different forms in the addiction treatment process. It typically involves the whole family meeting together with a therapist, but sometimes only part of the family meets, or in atypical cases, each person might meet individually with a therapist. Each session lasts about an hour and may look different, depending on the family’s unique needs. For instance, an entire session might be devoted to talking about each person’s feelings and concerns, while another meeting may involve an education on effective communication and improved listening to reduce misunderstandings. Based on the specific issues, the therapist may use different types of family therapies.

Benefits of Family Therapy in Recovery

  • Improved treatment retention.
  • Improved understanding of addiction and how it affects families.
  • Increased family support for the person in recovery.
  • A better understanding of what to expect in treatment and recovery.
  • Increased awareness of the warning signs of relapse.
  • Helping the family make positive changes related to the SUD, such as their patterns of communication and behavior.
  • Promoting family strengths.
  • A reduced risk of relapse.
  • Helping families understand the importance of taking responsibility for their own emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.


Mehar Foundation’s Family Counselling program at their drug and alcohol rehab centre in Chandigarh offers holistic support for individuals and their families. As a leading de addiction centre in India, Mehar Foundation recognizes the importance of family dynamics in the recovery process. Through their family counselling in Chandigarh, they foster understanding, healing, and strong support systems, empowering families to navigate the challenges of addiction together. Mehar Foundation’s compassionate and innovative approach reaffirms their commitment to comprehensive care and a brighter, addiction-free future for both individuals and their loved ones.